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The Eurasian lynx is perhaps Europe’s most difficult to see predator, but Estonia is a stronghold for the species and this exclusive new trip offers an excellent chance alongside a wealth of other species.

The largest of the world’s four lynx species, the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is also the widest ranging and occurs across much of Europe, Central Asia and as far east as the Himalayas. Despite the vastness of its distribution, it remains a very difficult species to see and presents perhaps the greatest challenge of its genus.

In Europe its population has been depleted through persecution and habitat loss, but the Baltic country of Estonia is considered a stronghold for the species and there are thought to be in the region of 600 animals. Teaming up with an expert local tracker, this exciting new tailor-made trip spends four nights exploring northern Estonia’s Lahemaa National Park with the principal aim of trying to see this elusive species.  

Suggested Itinerary

  1. Day 1: Fly to Tallinn and drive to Lahemaa National Park

    You will be met on arrival in Tallinn Airport by your guide for the next five days, who will drive you to your hotel in Lahemaa National Park.

    Arriving in the mid to late afternoon, there will be a chance to check in, freshen up and enjoy an early dinner before venturing out for an extended night drive.

    Accommodation: Sagadi Manor Hotel, 4-nights

  2. Days 2-4 : Exploration of Lahemma National Park

    Over the course of the next three days you'll explore Lahemaa National Park, by vehicle and on foot, targeting those areas where your guide and tracker have seen Eurasian lynx previously. Timings remain completely flexible, but with Eurasian lynx being primarily nocturnal, you'll likely focus your efforts on pre-dawn, late afternoon and extended night drives, using a powerful spotlight to illuminate species in the dark.

    At this time of the year, in the absence of summer foliage, mammal sightings can be easier, and a wide variety are possible. Roe deer, elk, raccoon dog, brown hare, red fox and wild boar are amongst the more common species that you're likely to encounter, but pine marten, otter, beaver and of course Eurasian lynx are all possible.

    With temperatures likely to be below freezing and sightings interspersed amongst extended periods of quiet, patience will be key, but the potential rewards are worth it. There are few places in the world where mammal enthusiasts can travel with the realistic hope of seeing a Eurasian lynx, but Lahemaa National Park is one and you’ll be guided by a tracker who has spent the previous few years specialising in seeing this species. The use of trail-cams and specifically the live updates they provide, allow a fascinating insight into the behaviour of the lynx in the area and can be instrumental in your success.

  3. Day 5: Return to Tallinn and fly UK

    After breakfast you'll leave the hotel and begin the drive back to Tallinn, arriving in time for an early afternoon flight back.

Key info

Our trip ideas are offered to inspire you and can be tailored to suit your requirements.
  • Duration and price including flights from/to UK: 5 days from £1,695 pp
  • Duration and price excluding international flights: 5 days from £1,595 pp
  • Trip type:
    Tailor-made Holiday
  • When to go: Dec-Apr
  • Activities available:
    • Nature drive